Wine Writing
CategoryWine Writers’ Educational Tours — Willamette Valley
…or Why I Haven’t Written Here in a While
Two weeks ago, I led 20+ dedicated wine writers on an in-depth tour of the Willamette Valley ..
Red Wine Bias? More Thoughts and Questions
Red Wine Bias among Wine Critics?
Yesterday, The Wine Curmudgeon (Jeff Siegel) posted an interesting article on Expert Scores and Red Wine Bias. He pointed to a study b..
Wine Ratings: A Practical Look at Points Scores
Love them or hate them, points-based wine ratings are not going away. And, after man..
How Many Wines does a Wine Critic Taste per Day?
A wine critic has decided whether or not to taste blind and has selected glassware. Ho..
Wine Glasses — What Do Critics Use?
Stemware companies will tell you wine glasses can make a b..